
by - Saturday, May 26, 2012

I find myself talking about bucket lists lately. In fact, I just recently got invited to one of those "Facebook Groups" where you interact with people; it was called "Bucketlist Girls" or something like that. I'm still not quite sure what it is. One of the ladies in the group wrote down, "Dream big; don't be afraid." I realized I didn't want to be a person who analyzed my life instead of living it. I don't want to grow old and wish I could have all these adventures or moments where I stopped trying to control what was hapening. I heard a quote recently and absolutely loved it. "The brave may not live forever, but the cautious never live at all." I realize this point can be argued, but I don't want to ever limit myself because of fear. So I decided to create (and plan on still adding on to it) a bucketlist. Because, after all, life won't wait for you.

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