After reflecting on this past year, it has been one of the best and learning experiences. I look at some of our wedding photos remembering that I just wanted to be married. I didn't think that I could love him when we were saying our vows, but I do. I love him more than the day we got married. He is my best friend and most favorite person to be around. We laugh, have fun, do nothing, read, and it is always the best part of my day. He challenges me to do and be better, and I thank God for him constantly. It amazes me how much God knows and loves me to have found Andrew for me.
"Matrimony came from paradise and leads to it. I need was half so happy, before I was married man, as I am now. When you are marred, your bliss begins. Let the husband love his wife's he loves himself, and a little better, for she is his better half. He should feel. 'if there is only one good wife in the whole world, I've got her.'"- Charles Spurgeon