This week has been filled with
excitement, packing, tears, and joy. My first big move away has had me on a
roller coaster of emotions. I have been trying to process everything that is
taken place, that I didn't even think about the weather change! It is only in
Texas that it can be 80 degrees one day and 45 the next. We have bitter cold
days and humid hot days. Colorado is gonna be a change from what I'm used to
here. For starters, I will actually get to enjoy snow, not just frozen water
stuck to the ground. So, with the help of Pinterest I
came up my wishlist, wants, and Pinterest favs.
I remember thinking to myself, "Do I take enough risks?" or "I've played it too safe for too long." This was somewhat of a factor when I decided to move. It is going to be a new adventure for me. I am nervous, but I am fully trusting in God to help me through. All he ever wants is a willing heart and obedience from me, so I am led by the Spirit and the peace of my heart. The choice I made was to move to Colorado to work at a church in Castle Rock. I know that I will always need God in whatever I do, no matter if I leave or stay, but when I thought about it, one decision just required more faith than the other. I want to be a perso who constantly puts myself into situations that will grow my faith. In the end, those choices will draw me closer to God. I will miss everyone dearly. I am an extention of so many people here in Dallas, but it's time for me to move on. We are, all of us, molded and remolded by those who have loved us, we remain their work, a work that very likely they do not recognize, and sometimes it is never exctly what they intended. I am blessed to be inffluenced and mentored by such incredible people. The time, wisdom, and discipline that they put into me have shaped me. Even in my stubborn times, they were willing to break my hand, and cause hurt, just so that I could let go of what my pride thought was right for me. I love them for that.
Today, be happy. Spend it with someone you love- a great friend, a mom or dad, that significant other, or spend it by treating yourself. Go ahead- You deserve it! I have never been a big Valentine's Day person, but one of my favorites was spending it with a dear friend of mine where we send the whole afternoon talking. It doesn't always have to be about the "romantic type of love. Just be happy. From my Valentine's to yours, lots of love.
Last month, I put together a couple's wedding shower for my friend, which I wrote about here a few posts ago. While I was trying to come up with ideas for activities during the shower, I was running complete blanks. Do people play games during showers? Were they even needed? As I was looking for inspiration on Pinterest, I came across these Guest Libs. I wasn't totally fond of the design, or lack thereof, so I decided to create my own via photoshop. So if you are having trouble of finding ideas for entertaining your guest at a party, try making your Guest Libs or shoot me an email if you would like me to create one for you.
When it came down to invitations, I found myself on Pinterest yet again (aren't you just crazy about it?). I was so lucky to find these cute handmade ones from Etsy. The artist, Melissa, worked with me until I was completely satisfied with the product. Aren't these precious? They are at a decent price and great quality!
I am just crazy about this collection from Secret Squirrel.
Enjoy my favorites from the Winter 2012 Collection!
Over my short 20 years of living, I have quickly learned that life is full surprises. Just when I think I have gotten ahold of what's going on, or I get comfortable of where I am at, things change. I am convinced that the only constant in life is change and God. A part of truly being alive are those moments when character is testing and circumstances are altered, it will be those times when I will grow. I am stepping into a realm where my faith will have to carry me. It will be tough, stretching, and it might hurt without the support system that I have grown accustomed to all my life, but I am ready to jump into whatever God has for me next. Falling is easy, anyone can fall, it is that jump that requires strength of will. With the prayers from my friends and guidance and advice of my leaders, I came to the conclusion that that is where I am supposed to be. There was no right or wrong decision, it was simply a leap of faith. A revelation that I came to over the past couple of weeks is this: God may not be "All-Controling," but He does have an opinion, and I will still seek Him through my decision process. He has a say on my life, because I am no longer my own. I cannot just sing about giving Him my all, or say pretty prayers that I will do "whatever-it-takes." My actions and words need to match, too. So, I now align my heart, my future, and my dreams, whatever that looks like, to His Heart. Am I scared? Well, yeah, but I'm also excited. There is a valley of emotions that I feel at this moment- this is a new season of my life. A new season of growth and of change.