Let's start off with hello...

I have actually been thinking about starting a blog for awhile now. Mostly, just to catalog everything that is inspiring to me, my thoughts, creative things, and just my everyday life. And lately the timing just seems perfect. I have been feeling that I am at this detrimental point in my life, like if I choose to go one direction it could alter the way I end up. Which is exciting, scary, and new! Knowing that the pieces of my life are up in the air at this moment, and not seeing the end result, is terrifiying. But I don't need safety as much as I need God, so I can't be afraid of the unknown. That doesn't require any faith. When Moses couldn't find the words, God opened his mouth; when Gideon questioned his abilities, God gave him strength; and when Abraham had to step into the unfamiliar, he had faith. I believe that it would be worse if I never try. Along the way if it doesn't feel right, then I will know. But for now, I'll have faith.