I miss my Dallas friends. I love Colorado and it's been an adventure, but it doesn't mean that I don't miss Dallas. I know where I am supposed to be and where God has me- it's in Colorado.
Lately, I have been feeling like I'm in this waiting period. I know the process is apart of my growth, but lemme tell ya, it's no fun.
My prayer recently is: Jesus, make my life an example. Teach me something that I can teach to others.
This was a difficult prayer, but I meant it. And along the way I have learned so much about myself and about The Father's love.
I've learned to love myself more.
I've learned to speak life over my mind and body. Not believing the negative talk that society says is "normal."
I've learned to hold on to His promises, because they never fail. Even promises that were spoken long ago over me.
I've learned to stir up my faith.
I've learned to be brave. He made me that way.
I've learned to just let go.
I've learned to stop doing and start being.
I've learned to trust more.
The process might not seem like the exciting part, but He is still in the process. He teaches in the process so that we are ready for big battles. I am convinced, that there is more growth in the process and the waiting than there ever will be in the storm.