This last year I've really worked on my heart health as well as wholeness in my body and spirit. So I checked in with myself and found I need to evaluate how I was doing and felt like I needed to slow down. There was tugging within my own heart to pause. So I decided to take a break. I needed rest. And my posts became few and farther between. A funny truth about social media and blogging is that if you are posting less, you are actually "not doing well." But if my heart says I am doing well because I am posting less, who is right? If I am always feeling the need to post that I am successful at my busy, at what cost does my heart suffer?
I now feel like my season of rest is ending. It's springtime for me. Things are budding and it's time to create. I turned a beautiful 27 years old this year and I felt a strong sense that there was a new beginning on the horizon. So learn to monitor your rest, because when spring comes it is time to work. What season are you in?