
Sorry I have been MIA lately. I am entering another busy season of my life. Not that I am complaining, it is just going to have to require more growing, stretching, and patience. The other day I was noticing the kids and how curious-little-things they are. No one has to tell them to be that way- they just are. As adults, we get discouraged from this. We create excuses, become more rational, and dismiss the creative imagination that we once had as a child. Yes of course we don't just give it all away. There is still some of that child that is still in us, but now he/she has been stomped down a bit. We need to be people who stir up our curiosity; people who never want to quit learning or growing. If we do not have the character to keep learning, we will limit our capacity to keep advancing. If we can find one thing that we are stubbornly, passionate about about and always stay intensely curious about it, ten maybe we can eventually master it. I don't ever want to reach a time of my life where I stop learning. How sad would that be? I would never grow, become better, or have dreams. Maybe that is why Jesus tells us to come to Him as little children. They have the best imaginations.