Healthy Living.

So I decided I would make small choices that would be better for me. It isn't about weight loss or short diets. It is about a lifestyle of healthy living and eating. Our body is a temple and if your physical body keeps you from doing God's work then there is a problem. Now, I am not perfect. I'll have a soda or starchy fries, but everything in moderation, people!
What at are those changes? I'll tell you:
- Coconut Oil instead of butter- coconut oil can be used to replace shortening in baking or used to fry food.
- More fruits and veggies- greens, greens, greens! Color is important to a balanced meal.
- Almond milk- I love milk, but I decided to switch to almond milk because it is a less fat intake.
- Smoothies- for breakfast, Andrew and I do smoothies, they are now my favorite!
- Portion control- this one is especially hard because FOOD IS SO GOOD. gah...fatty.
- Exercise- this is important, but eating right is WAY more important. healthy isn't just exercise!