Appreciating the Mess
As I watch Ryan-Kate grow, I am learning more to appreciate the mess that surrounds a growing girl. She was always been happy and full of life and watching her grow has been on of the best experiences in my life. It not easy one hundred percent of the time, but it's still beautiful. When the house is a mess- clothes on the floor, toys sprinkled all over the house, books everywhere but the book case. It all represents something.
She's learning, playing, and growing. And the mess? That's proof of life.
The books everywhere means that she she was eager to learn that day. The clothes on the floor means that she got her hands dirty exploring her senses. The toys on the ground means she's playing and interacting with the world around her.
There is beauty in the mess, and I am realizing that it is all about my perspective. I am learning more from Ryan-Kate to appreciate the life that is happening around me, and not be so concerned about the mess.
Outfit Details: Blouse- Zara // Cropped Flare Jeans- Target // Sandals- Sam Edleman